DTC Constitution 2018
The name of the club is “Dunsfold Tennis Club” hereinafter called the “Club”
The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a body of appointed honorary officers and other persons hereinafter called the “Committee” such Committee shall be annually elected and appointed by the Club members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The Committee shall consist of the following honorary positions:
Chairman (who must have at least one year’s Committee experience)
Fixtures Secretary
Junior Secretary
Club Administration Officer
Club Liaison Officer
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional parties should it deem proper to do so until the subsequent AGM.
Five Committee members shall constitute a quorum.
The Chairman and members of the Committee shall retire at the subsequent AGM but shall be eligible for re-election in the same appointment or under another Committee post. The overriding consideration shall be to maintain a proper balance between the efficient continuity of management and the encouragement of all members to spread Committee appointments throughout the membership.
Each member of the Management Committee will be required, as a condition of election or appointment, to agree to be bound by and subject to this constitution, the Rules and the Disciplinary Code, such agreement to contain an express acknowledgement that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 applies and that the LTA and the Club can enforce any breach at its option and in its sole discretion.
An AGM shall be held in March each year of as soon thereafter as the Committee shall decide but not more than 15 months later than that held previously, at such time and place as may be determined by the Committee with at least three weeks’ notice given to members.
An Income and Expenditure Account for the period to 31st December of each year shall be presented for approval after formal review by a member appointed to do so at the previous AGM.
The Chairman or Secretary shall call an extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on the written request of at least 10 members and shall give at least 3 weeks’ notice of such a meeting.
The Constitution shall only be changed at a General Meeting of which three weeks’ notice has been given together with details of the proposed alteration. Such alteration shall only become effective after a two thirds majority agreement by a show of hands or a ballot in accordance with the wishes of those present and eligible to vote.
The Club is a private, members tennis club, located at the King George V Playing Fields (KGV), Dunsfold, managed and operated independently by the Committee. General membership shall be open to all players without limitation as to age and indeed junior membership is actively encouraged.
However, to qualify to play in “organised club sessions” a Member’s playing ability may be established through a “playing in” procedure to ensure that such ability achieves the recognised Club standard. This will be supervised by at least two Committee Members whose decision shall be final.
Coaching will be offered on an individual or group basis to encourage improvement (see COACHING below).
A player shall not be regarded as a Member until that player’s subscription is fully paid in accordance with the conditions set out in SUBSCRIPTIONS below. Temporary one-day memberships may be issued for a nominal fee at the discretion of the Committee.
Each member agrees as a condition of membership:
to be bound by and subject to this constitution (as in force from time to time)
to be bound by and subject to the Rules and the Disciplinary Code
This confers a benefit on the LTA and, subject to the remaining provisions of this rule, is intended to be enforceable by the LTA by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. For the avoidance of doubt, the members do not intend that any term of this constitution, apart from Clause 16 above should be enforceable, by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, by any person who is not a party to this agreement.
The playing season shall commence on 1st April annually and members are entitled to use the courts at all reasonable times other than when:
Matches are being played
Organised club sessions are due to start or are in progress
Coaching for Adults or Juniors is taking place.
These will take priority over general usage and the Committee shall decide when these take place ensuring that details of such are fully advertised to the membership as a whole.
Each member shall pay a subscription at a rate to be determined by the Committee and approved at the AGM.
This amount includes a sum for membership of the KGV Social Club and the LTA Affiliation Fee.
Subscriptions are due on 1st April annually and should be paid by this date.
A form setting out subscription categories and rates will be sent to each member by the Secretary immediately following the AGM. These rates will also be published on the club website
Only one reminder will be issued (by the treasurer) and if payment is not received by 31st May at the latest then membership will be terminated.
New players joining more than half way through the season shall pay a pro rata proportion of the annual subscription which will be due within one month of acceptance as a member.
The Committee may fix special subscriptions or allow leeway in exceptional circumstances such as injury, secondment overseas or any other unavoidable cause.
Visitors shall be allowed to attend the Club with a member’s permission for no more than 3 times in any one playing season and shall be responsible for payment of any fees.
Payments by cheque on behalf of the Club shall be signed by any two of four officers with such designated authority with the bank.
Members must wear soft non-marking soled shoes without heels. Other than this the club has no mandatory policy regarding specific wearing-apparel on court.
The courts are to be used solely for tennis and tennis related activities including cardio-tennis. Fitness training on the courts is permitted with the agreement of the Committee. Other sports that could potentially damage the playing surface are prohibited,
Coaching for adults and juniors can be provided at extra cost to themselves by arrangement with the appointed club coach.
All unlicensed and unregistered coaches and, so far as reasonably practicable, players and other persons using the facilities of the club will be required, as a condition of such use, to agree to be bound by and subject to this constitution, the Rules and the Disciplinary Code, such agreement to contain an express acknowledgement that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 applies and that the LTA and the Club can enforce any breach at its option and in its sole discretion.
The Committee shall have the right to suspend or terminate membership or impose any other sanction they determine to be appropriate for conduct which it deems to be prejudicial to the best interests of the Club or in connection with the breach of any condition of membership set out in this document.
The committee shall ensure that adequate limits of public liability insurance (including member to member liability) and employer’s liability insurance are in place.
No responsibility is accepted for loss of or damage to vehicles, equipment or valuables.
No member may use the Club’s name in connection with the sale of any goods or services whatsoever or in connection with the promotion of anything whatsoever other than with the express permission of the Committee.
The Committee will maintain the club website: www.dunsfoldtennisclub.co.uk
The Committee will maintain a database of club members and will maintain all personal data and records in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) requirements.
The Terms and Conditions of this document dated March 2018 are deemed to override any previous Club constitution.
“LTA” means [LTA CLG] and its subsidiaries or such successor entity or entities as become(s) the governing body of the game of lawn tennis from time to time
“Disciplinary Code” means the disciplinary code of the LTA in force from time to time;
“Rules” means the rules of the LTA as in force from time to time;